Welcome to my site and I am delighted you are taking time to inform yourself. I wanted this site to be a portal for those that are exploring, and to keep this site more conversational. So, here goes!

Meet Pat

A ‘heart for service’ is what you need to know about me, and this experience matters. This started when I joined the US Marines 5 weeks after I graduated from Appalachian State University. Serving my country is one of the greatest privileges I’ve ever known, both in peacetime and in armed conflict.

Pat Tillman Logo


Tony Wilkins

-Former City Council and candidate for City Council District 5

Dave Craven

-NC State Senator

Victor Jones

-High Point City Council

Patrick Davies

-Executive Director The Heroe’s Center

Jim Melvin

-Former Mayor and CEO of the Bryan Foundation

Greensboro Builders Association

Rhino Times